I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.
Carl Jung
Creative approaches to re-solving what comes your way
About Me

drellenluborskyI was born in Kansas. I spent my early years wandering outside under blue sky, stopping to find a friend or pick a dandelion. I bring that open vision to my work.

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Psychotherapy for Adults

Dynamic Psychotherapy: The journey to yourself

Do you feel stuck? Blocked? Anxious? Depressed? Under the surface are feelings, memories, & conflicting forces that are in the way. Discover what’s holding you back. Open up to a new way of being.

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For Children & Parents

Play Therapy

Play is a child’s natural language.  Instead of trying to turn kids into mini-adults, play therapy allows them to express themselves in a way that creates ease, and invites a process of change in a way that is actually fun.

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